MiDEAL is an extended purchasing program which allows Michigan local units of government to use state contracts to buy goods and services.

Who can use the contract?
·  Cities 
·  Townships
·  Villages
·  Counties
·  School Districts
·  Universities
·  Community Colleges
·  Non-profit Hospitals

Local governments benefit directly from the reduced cost of goods and services and indirectly by eliminating the time needed to process bids.
view our entire catalog of associated products and solutions
“We receive positive comments from parents quite often. They appreciate what we have done in terms of putting the MOTOTRBO system in place because it creates a safer, more secure environment for their children.”
Fay Miller, Assistant Superintendent, Kent County School District
“The MOTOTRBO radios allow us to talk virtually from anywhere in our district to anywhere in our district, including the bus garages.”
Bob Ciserella, Asst. Superintendent, School District 41, Glen Ellyn, IL
“The MOTOTRBO radios allow us to talk virtually from anywhere in our district to anywhere in our district, including the bus garages.”
Bob Ciserella, Asst. Superintendent, School District 41, Glen Ellyn, IL

Ready to talk to one of our experts?

If you have a question about anything communications related, such as new radios, earpieces, repair equipment, FCC licensing, rental radios, vehicle outfitting, call boxes, wide-area communications, etc. Please contact our team to better assist you through your communication solution needs.

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